Activities & Experiences
There are many amazing things to do in Brevard County and the surrounding area, and it is so important to take advantage of these opportunities! Here are some stellar experiences to get involved in.
Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Free Young Eagles Flights

FREE ride in an airplane for kids - introducing them to the world of aviation
​This is the only program of its kind for youth ages 8–17.
Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Aviation Camps & Overnights

Explore aviation through hands-on experiences & technical learning classrooms to gain life skills & discover the unlimited opportunities a career in aviation presents. Designed to introduce middle & high school-aged students to the aviation world.
Aircraft Owners and Pilots's Association (AOPA) Foundation Fly, Air Safety, & Flight Training Scholarships

Explore career options in aviation - exposes a diverse group of students to aviation that might otherwise not realize that a career as a pilot or in a drone-related field is completely within reach. Designed for high school students - ages 13-18 can get a FREE High School membership, including a digital subscription to Flight Training magazine.
Air & Space Forces Association (AFA) CyberCamp

Discover the cybersecurity world at standard camps & build on cyber knowledge at advanced camps to jumpstart your STEM career, improve cybersecurity skills through the summer & experience the best National Youth Cyber Education Program. No age requirement.
Air & Space Forces Association (AFA) StellarXplorers National Space Design Competition

Teams providing a solution to a typical space design problem, such as orbit determination, satellite component selection, and launch vehicle planning. Inspires K-12 students toward futures in STEM.
Air & Space Forces Association (AFA) StellarCamp

A fun space system design camp to learning about aspects of space system design. For 6th-12th graders - no prior experience required.
Aircraft Owners and Pilots's Association (AOPA) Foundation High School Aviation STEM Symposium

Presented by Boeing: two full days of sharing insights, ideas, and best practices for starting & building aviation STEM programs by dedicated educators from around the nation. Typically a fall event.
Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Cadets

CAP is a volunteer, nonprofit auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force with three missions: to develop its cadets, educate Americans on the importance of aviation and space, and perform life-saving, humanitarian missions. CAP Cadets are ages 12-21; CAP full membership is available for teachers.